Thursday, December 22, 2011

My New Beauty Channel on Youtube/ Mi Nuevo Canal de Belleza

To all the Beautiful Ladies, I just opened up a Beauty Channel on Youtube. please subscribe and share it with your girlfriends.

Acabo de abrir un canal de belleza para todas las mujeres. Porfavor subscribensen en el enlace ... 
God bless you my lovelies

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

That's My King!

Do You Know Him? That's who Marian Marrero serves and is not ashamed of. Heres an intro of who He is and Can Be and Will Be in Your Life! Only if you let Him

Monday, July 11, 2011

Les pido que sigan orando/ please continue to pray for us

Hola a mis lindos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
El ano pasado les pedí oración por mi nuevo hogar en la Florida y un trabajo para mi esposo. Dios hizo un milagro y mi esposo va trabajar de casa con su misma compañía pero en la Florida. Gracias por sus oraciones. Hoy les pido que sigan orando porque mañana mi esposo sale a la Florida en búsqueda de una nueva casa. este hogar seria nuestra primera casa. Gracias y un abrazo grandote! les dejaré saber como va todo en proceso.

Hello my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ,

Last year I asked for prayer for a new home in Florida and a job for my husband. God did a miracle and my husband will be working remotely with the same company but in Florida. Thanks for your prayers. Today I ask you to continue praying because tomorrow morning my husband goes to Florida in search of a house that will be our home. this house would be our first home. Thanks and a big hug! I'll let you know how everything goes in the process.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin Tornado Survivors

I am so happy to see some of the survivors form the Joplin Mo Tornado speaking in this video today with Anderson Cooper. Isaac Duncan happens to be one of my friend's friend. I'm sure she is ecstatic and relieved as all us should be to see them alive and sharing their story of courage and bravery.
Like I said in my earlier post we can all help. We can help by praying for them or aiding them financially or physically.
here are some links were you can help

Please keep praying! more tornadoes are expected for this area tonight and rescuers are still looking for missing people. Prayer is powerful!!!

Here is Isacc with his amazing story!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Times of Tragedies and the Soul

Saturday, May 21, 2011 Harold Camping was certain that Judgement day was going to take place at 6pm.
Many believed him and the majority did not. I did not believe him completely, I say this because there was  partial truth to his belief and that was that Jesus is coming soon.  He believed the Rapture would be on May 21, But what the Holy Bible says and I believe with my life is found in the book of  Matthew 24:36 also 1 Thessalonians 5:2
That day I went to see a movie with my family, went to the beach, and ate lunch being confident Camping was wrong.
On Sunday Camping could not be found not because the rapture occurred but because he was in hiding! His theory failed... Rather his date because as it says in scripture No One knows But only God the Father.

My friends, today it saddens me and I feel devastated inside to read and see the images from Sunday nights tornado in Joplin, Mo and the others in parts of the Mid-West.

I thank God that these people in the video all survived this tormenting Tragedy.

My prayers go out to the families and those who lost their loved ones and their homes.
Here are just a few ways you can help aid them by praying for them, donating blood, money etc..

I'm sure It felt like it was the end of the world for them, that is why we need to aid them through prayers and financial and physical contributions.
And we have to prepare ourselves spiritually if we are in the event of a devastating tornado, hurricane, crossing the street, or any accident or tragedy that may occur. Yes our physical body may result in the grave because of it but our Soul will either ascend to heaven or descend to hell.
There are so many skeptics and atheists in this world but the reality is so evident the End Times are approaching. Wouldn't you want to get saved before all the madness and chaos begins? I ask you to search deep within your heart and choose where you would want to spend Eternity.
If you choose to go to heaven Just Repent and ask Jesus to forgive you for your sin and that you want to start a new life in Him. Once you do that you will be an heir to his Kingdom. Start reading the Holy Spirit inspired God breathed -Bible, heres one for you online ( and start building a relationship with Him.

Unfortunately, for all the skeptics and atheists, if they do not seek Jesus and finally step away from their own intellect and other religious paths thinking that many ways lead to heaven when in fact the bible says in (John 14:6)  and start believing in Him, there will be a time when it will be too late.
Their Souls will not be saved but headed toward destruction in Hell.
This is reality... Are you Prepared?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's day/ Feliz Dia de las Madres

This is the card my 5 yr old daughter made me at school. My eyes filled with tears after I read it. 
It was beautiful and so true. As mothers we try to give our children the very best and teach them values and instruct them to do what is right and teach them about God. We even have to say at one point ok no more writing on the walls. lol
I congratulate and admire every mom who instills time and love in their children especially the single moms.
God bless you all! And may you have a Great mother's Day !

heres' the awesome card

Esta es la tarjeta que mi hija de 5 años de edad me hizo en la escuela. Mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas después de leerlo.
Era hermoso y verdadero así. Como madres que tratan de dar a nuestros hijos lo mejor y les enseñan valores y darles instrucciones para hacer lo correcto y enseñarles acerca de Dios. Incluso tenemos que decir en un momento ya basta de escribir en las paredes. jejee
Felicito y admiro a todas las mamás que infunde el tiempo y el amor en sus hijos, especialmente las madres solteras.
Dios las bendiga a todos! Feliz dia de las Madres!

"la tarjeta impresionante

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Concurso Revista Vision" / Revista Vision Contest"

Hola amigos y amigas en mi grupo,
Gracias por aquellos quienes están sembrando en mi ministerio en dándole al dedito" like" a mi portada del CD Creada Para Servir.
Necesito su ayuda solo tengo 30 votos.
 yo tengo 1,0000 miembros en mi grupo por favor no cuesta nada solo dele like a la pagina Revista Visión y entonces presiona el dedito like en mi portada del cd.
si gano me dan la oportunidad de estar en su revista y mi musica se pueda escuchar por muchos. me ayudas?

solo quede 9 dias para el concurso
estos  son los pasos

1 . guste la revista Vision en el enlace
2. entonces gusta de la portada de mi CD
3. corre la voz en su muro

Gracias  no es en vano estas sembrando en mi grupo y en mi ministerio musical

Un abrazo grande y muchas gracias de todo corazon,

English: contest ends in 9 days

Hello friends in my group
Thanks for those who are sowing in my ministry in clicking "like" on my CD cover Created to Serve.
I need your help I have only 30 votes.
  I have 1,000 members in my group please help me it does not cost anything just "like" the magazine page" Revista Vision and then press  like on my cd cover.
if I win I get the chance to be in their magazine and my music can be heard everywhere. help me?

these are the steps

1. Like the Revista Vision Page
2. then like the cover of my CD
3. spread the word on your wall set = a.197159740325459.41879.129491357092298 & type = 1 & theater

Thank you is not in vain you will be sowing  in my group and my music ministry

A big hug and thank you very much with all my heart,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Entrevista Musical en TCT Latino/ Musical Interview at TCT Latino

Hola amigos:
  04 de abril 2011 fue una experiencia impresionante y bendito para mí no sólo tuve el placer de conocer a gente maravillosa, sino tuve el privilegio de ser entrevistada por ellos en TCT  Latino en Detroit MI. La entrevista, por supuesto, era todo en Español y por la gracia de Dios todo salió bien y todos quedaron feliz en el estudio, hasta los productores.
He compartido en el llamado en mi vida y cómo lo estoy obedeciendo y también para compartir mi testimonio de cómo Dios me rescató de la muerte y la depresión. Y, por supuesto, me dio la oportunidad de cantar mis canciones "Eres Dios" y "Alabanzas". Pero creo que la parte más sorprendente e inesperado de esta entrevista fue al final cuando Lizzette pidió que orara por todos los espectadores mirando en la cámara. Dios me usó allí para llegar a millones de personas que no sabían de él o aquellos que necesitaban sanidad o la fe necesaria. De esto es lo que se trata de compartir el amor de Dios y la verdad y a los que lo necesitamos. Realmente fue un honor estar allí para ese propósito y me sentí verdaderamente honrada de que soy capaz de ser un instrumentó usada por Dios.
Gracias por venir conmigo en este viaje y le mantendremos informado de cuando sale al aire.

La animadora es también una cantante cristiana y fue increíble, su nombre es Lizzette Alvarado echa un vistazo a su página
TCT Network:

English:  Hi Friends:
 April 4 , 2011 was an awesome and blessed experience for me not only did I have the pleasure of meeting wonderful people but I was privileged to get interviewed by them at TCT Latino Network in Detroit MI. The interview of course was all in Spanish and by the grace of God it went well and everyone was happy at the studio even the producer. 
I shared on the calling on my life and how I am obeying it and I also shared my testimony of how God rescued me from death and depression. And of course I was given the opportunity to sing my songs "Eres Dios" and "Alabanzas". But I believe the most amazing and unexpected  part of this interview was at the end when they asked me to pray for all the viewers by looking in the camera. God used me there to reach millions of people who did not know of him or needed healing or needed Faith, this is what its all about sharing God's love and the truth to the ones that need Him. I truly was honored to be there for that purpose and I am truly honored that I am able to be an instrument used by God.
Thank you for coming along with me on this journey and I will keep you informed of when it airs.

The host is also a Christian Singer and was terrific, her name is Lizzette Alvarado check out her page

TCT Network:

Here are some pics of the Interview:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Marian Marrero y Joy Armento de Gira Marzo 2011

Joy Armento
Marian Marrero
Estoy muy emocionada de compartir nuestra gira con ustedes.
Les invito que nos acompañes si vives en MD, DC o Pennsylvania

Estas son las iglesias y las fechas
Gracias a La iglesia Del Nazareno.

Por favor oren por nosotros y que Dios nos use grandemente.
un Abrazo y nos vemos allá!

SABADO 12 6:00PM

DOMINGOS 13 Y 20 DE MARZO 10:00 AM y 5:00 PM

TEL: 301 518 2557

Sabado 5pm


7899 0POSSUMTOWN PIKE, 21702

Pagina Musical de Joy Armento

Mi Pagina Musical de FB:

Monday, March 7, 2011

One of my favorite poems as a child by  Christina G. Rossetti quotes (English Poet1830-1894)

“What can I give him,

Poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd,

I would bring a lamb;

If I were a wise man,

I would do my part;

Yet what I can I give him—

Give my heart.”


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I was So Blinded

I was So Blinded


I would look in a mirror and not like what I see
My mind was made up that I was ugly

My confidence was destroyed
I didn't know who I was
I was so blinded 

I was so blinded that I didn't even want to live
My dreams were shattered
I thought I had nothing to give
I was totally confused until I heard and read His Word

I looked into the bible and read Psalm 139
the part where it say we are beautifully created

He formed me in His image

So I was special all along , Satan played me for a fool

You see the word of God is life
Only He sees and says the truth

Satan is a liar! He wants to deceive you

So don't be blinded 
You have so much more to give
You are God's creation and that's why you should live

You are special!!!

13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.


13 Tú creaste mis entrañas;
      me formaste en el vientre de mi madre.
14 ¡Te alabo porque soy una creación admirable!
      ¡Tus obras son maravillosas,
      y esto lo sé muy bien!
15 Mis huesos no te fueron desconocidos
      cuando en lo más recóndito era yo formado,
   cuando en lo más profundo de la tierra
      era yo entretejido.
16 Tus ojos vieron mi cuerpo en gestación:
      todo estaba ya escrito en tu libro;
   todos mis días se estaban diseñando,
      aunque no existía uno solo de ellos.

   17 ¡Cuán preciosos, oh Dios, me son tus pensamientos!
      ¡Cuán inmensa es la suma de ellos!
18 Si me propusiera contarlos,
      sumarían más que los granos de arena.
   Y si terminara de hacerlo,[a]
      aún estaría a tu lado.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Italian Grilled Chicken with Portabella mushroom veggie medley

Welcome to my Kitchen!
Today I wanted to share this tasty meal that can be a part of your valentines dinner for that special someone. I prepared it for my hubby and again he left the plate clean! good sign people, good sign...
Lets begin and Enjoy!!!

Chicken breast or Tenders
mixed veggies
Portabella mushroom
Italian dressing marinade
lemon pepper
margarine butter

Steps to creating this special meal:

Prepare thawed Chicken breast or tenders with lemon pepper, Italian dressing and oregano
Grill it ( i use my friend the George foreman grill (

Steam mixed veggies( green beans, peas, carrots, broccoli and portabella mushroom on stove top with some sea salt
when veggies are tender heat some margarine butter with lemon pepper and oregano  in microwave for 30 seconds and drizzle it on the veggies

Final Result

Baked lemon pepper Tilapia with veggies a la stir fry

Hi Friends,
I just wanted to share the meal I did for my hubby. He loved it and since it got the 2 thumbs up I wanted share it with you!!! all this was achieved on my George Foreman, my stove stop was taking a break.


Tilapia fish fillet
Lemon Pepper seasoning
mixed veggies
white onion
red and green peppers
olive oil
Pam Spray

Thaw fillet and then place it on the baking sheet with pam spray and season with the lemon pepper on one side
Bake until it becomes white, tender and flaky
Then remove aside and place veggies, onion, red and green pepers with a drizzle of Olive oil and stir fry with oregano and a bit of lemon pepper
make sure veggies are tender and not soggy

Voila! you have a healthy and husband approved meal :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Comfort Food: Beef stew/ Carne Guisa

Blessings Friends,
Today is another snowy and cold day in Ma. so I thought what better way to warm the tummy but with a hearty bowl of Beef Stew with white rice on the side. One of my  friend's gave me this recipe and I decided to add more to it because I love potatoes in this type of hearty meal and now that I eat carrots I wanted to include it as well. We also call this meal Carne Guisa from the Carribean, many versions are added as well using different veggies ect.

But Today I wanted to share this tasty recipe with all of you. For those of you wondering,Yes I do cook. lol my mother taught me well and my hubby is very pleased. So let's get on with the Recipe and i hope you can try it too.

Bendiciones amigos,
Hoy es otro día de nieve y frío en Ma. así que pensé que qué mejor manera de calentar el estómago, pero con un tazón de fuente abundante de Carne Guisa con arroz blanco en el lado.  Les cuento que mi amiga  me dio esta receta y me decidí a agregar más a él porque me encantan las papas en este tipo de comida y ahora que como zanahorias quería incluirlo también. También en el Caribe hacen muchas versiones se suman así con diferentes verduras etc.

Pero hoy quería compartir esta receta sabrosa con todos ustedes. Para aquellos que se preguntan, Si yo se  cocinar.Si! jeje mi madre me enseñó bien y mi esposo está muy contento. Así que vamos a seguir con la receta y espero que usted puede intentarlo también.

Beef Stew with white rice/ Carne guisa con arroz blanco

Ingrediants (los Ingredientes)

beef stew meat/  Carne de guisar
garlic                   /ajo
oninons              / cebelloas
peppers             / pimentos
sazon                 /sazon goya
adobo               / adobo goya
lemon or lemon juice / limon o jugo de limon
olive oil/ aciete de oliva
wine   /     vino
Brown sugar/   azúcar morena

I added to the recipe / yo le Añadi a la receta
potatoes/ papas
carrots/  zanahorias
mojo de goya
vinegar/ vinagre

First you will clean the meat and place it in a pot with a little olive oil and brown sugar. let it  brown on both sides  and bring to a boil  a bit then bring down the flame and start to season the meat with garlic, onions, peppers, sazon, adobo, lemon juice, mojo, wine, oregano and all the other ingrediants mentioned and cover the pot on low flame.

I then cut the potatoes and carrots in a different pot and left them to boil.

Once the meat is done and tender to the touch add the potatoes and carrots. then let it simmer all together.

This meal is delicious with white rice on the side

white rice
olive oil

boil water with salt and olive oil, then add the rice( i use jasmine) then keep it on low flame

Enjoy and Bon Apetite!!!


En primer lugar, se limpia la carne y colóquela en una olla con un poco de aceite de oliva y el azúcar moreno. deje que se doren por ambos lados y ponga a hervir un poco y bajar el fuego y comenzar la temporada de la carne con ajo, cebolla, pimientos, sazón,el adobo, el jugo de limón, mojo, vino el orégano, y todos los demás mencionados y los ingrediants cubra la olla a fuego lento.

Luego cortar las papas y las zanahorias en una olla diferentes y los dejó a hervir.

Una vez que la carne esté cocida y tierna al tacto añadir las papas y las zanahorias. a continuación, se deja hervir todo junto.

Esta comida es deliciosa con arroz blanco en el lado

arroz blanco
el agua
aceite de oliva

hervir el agua con sal y aceite de oliva, a continuación, agregue el arroz ( yo uso arroz Jasmine) y luego mantenerlo a fuego lento

Disfrute y Buen Provecho!