Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baked lemon pepper Tilapia with veggies a la stir fry

Hi Friends,
I just wanted to share the meal I did for my hubby. He loved it and since it got the 2 thumbs up I wanted share it with you!!! all this was achieved on my George Foreman, my stove stop was taking a break.


Tilapia fish fillet
Lemon Pepper seasoning
mixed veggies
white onion
red and green peppers
olive oil
Pam Spray

Thaw fillet and then place it on the baking sheet with pam spray and season with the lemon pepper on one side
Bake until it becomes white, tender and flaky
Then remove aside and place veggies, onion, red and green pepers with a drizzle of Olive oil and stir fry with oregano and a bit of lemon pepper
make sure veggies are tender and not soggy

Voila! you have a healthy and husband approved meal :)

1 comment:

  1. Los ingrediants:

    Tilapia filete de pescado
    Limón, pimienta condimento
    verduras mixtas
    cebolla blanca
    pimientos rojos y verdes
    aceite de oliva
    Pam Spray

    Descongele los filetes y luego colocarlo en la bandeja de hornear con aceite en aerosol pam y sazone con la pimienta de limón a un lado
    Hornee hasta que se vuelve blanca, tierna y escamosa
    A continuación, retire a un lado y verduras lugar, cebolla, pimiento rojo y verde con un chorrito de aceite de oliva y saltear con orégano y un poco de pimienta de limón
    hacer que las verduras estén tiernas y no empapado
    Voila! Buen provecho
